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Message Filter

In messaging scenarios it is not uncommon that the message bus is transporting more types of message than the current system should consume. In this case, it is important to filter out and ignore the irrelevant messages and take only the relevant messages into consideration. In the same time, all messages still needs to be consumed in order not to block the follow-up messages. In order to filter the messages between the Ingress Adapter and the Message Acceptor we supply a special MessageFilter to filter out the supported messaged.

 * Message filter to filter messages delivered to the message acceptor.
interface MessageFilter {
   * Checks if the message should be delivered to the message acceptor.
   * @param message message instance
   * @param messageMetaData metadata of the message
   * @return `true` if message should be accepted.
  fun <P> accepts(message: AbstractChannelMessage<P>, messageMetaData: MessageMetaData): Boolean

Feel free to implement your own filters and supply them as a Spring Bean or choose on of the predefined filter and use them in your setup.


The AllMessageFilter accepts all messages received from the Ingress adapter.


The AndCompositeMessageFilter is a composite filter consisting of a list of MessageFilter implementations combined by a logical AND operator.


The OrCompositeMessageFilter is a composite filter consisting of a list of MessageFilter implementations combined by a logical OR operator.


The NotMessageFilter is a filter inverting the application of a supplied MessageFilter implementation.


The TypeListMessageFilter is a filter accepting all messages with a payload type being one of the specified types.


The TypeExistsOnClasspathMessageFilter is accepting all messages that payload type is available on the class path.

Last update: November 10, 2023