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Taskpool Sender


Taskpool sender is a component usually deployed as a part of the process application that is responsible for sending tasks collected e.G. by Camunda Taskpool Collector to Taskpool Core Components as commands.


  • Allows fine-grained control of transactional behaviour during command sending
  • Allows to integrate custom success and error handling

Usage and configuration#


If you are using polyflow-camunda-bpm-collector component, the sender component is included and activated by default, and you can skip this step.


Then activate the taskpool sender by providing the annotation on any Spring Configuration:

class MyDataEntryCollectorConfiguration {


In order to control sending of commands to command sender, the command sender activation property polyflow.integration.sender.task.enabled is available. If disabled, the command sender will log any command instead of aggregating sending it to the command gateway.

Command sender types#

Out of the box, Polyflow supplies several command senders to match your deployment scenario. The property polyflow.integration.task.sender.type is used to switch between different commands senders.

Sender type Property value Description
Simple simple Simple command sender, used to send every command directly to Command Bus.
Transactional Direct tx Transactional accumulating command sender, sending accumulated commands along with the running transaction.
Transactional Job txjob Transactional accumulating command sender, writing a Camunda job to send the commands in a new transaction.
Custom custom Setting to provide your own sender implementation

The default provided command sender (type: tx) is collects all task commands during one transaction, group them by task id and accumulates the commands to the minimum reflecting the intent(s) of the task operation(s). It uses Axon Command Bus (encapsulated by the AxonCommandListGateway for sending the result over to the Axon command gateway.


If you want to implement a custom command sending, please provide your own implementation of the interface EngineTaskCommandSender (register a Spring Component of the type) and set the property polyflow.integration.task.sender.type to custom.

Command aggregation#

The Spring event listeners receiving events from the Camunda Engine plugin are called before the engine commits the transaction. Since all processing inside collector component and enricher is performed synchronously, the sender must waits until transaction to be successfully committed before sending any commands to the Command Gateway. Otherwise, on any error the transaction would be rolled-back and the command would create an inconsistency between the taskpool and the engine.

Depending on your deployment scenario, you may want to control the exact point in time, when the commands are sent to command gateway. The property polyflow.integration.task.sender.send-within-transaction is designed to influence this. If set to true, the commands are accumulated before the process engine transaction is committed, otherwise commands are sent after the process engine transaction is committed.


Never send commands over remote messaging before the transaction is committed, since you may produce unexpected results if Camunda fails to commit the transaction.

If commands are delivered to a local component (this is the case if taskpool core is deployed in the same deployment as collector and sender components), the sending transaction is spanned across the taskpool core component. In particular, this means that the command dispatch and emission of events are happening inside the same transaction (unit of work). The default Transactional Direct command sender will send the commands inside this Unit of Work. The Transactional Job command sender will write a Camunda Job and finish current Unit of Work without sending anything and rely on Camunda Job Worker to perform the transmission of the commands to the Command Bus. This sender is in particular helpful, if you need to finish

Serialization of payload#

By default, the data entry sender will serialize payload of the DataEntry into a JSON-Map structure, in order to be received by projections (Data Pool View) and storage of it, independent of the classes which might be not on the classpath of the projection (generic structure instead of a typed Java object structure). This serialization can be disabled by the sender property polyflow.integration.task.sender.serialize-payload=false.

Handling command transmission#

The commands sent via gateway (e.g. AxonCommandListGateway) are received by Command Handlers. The latter may accept or reject commands, depending on the state of the aggregate and other components. The AxonCommandListGateway is informed about the command outcome. By default, it will log the outcome to console (success is logged in DEBUG log level, errors are using ERROR log level).

In some situations it is required to take care of command outcome. A prominent example is to include a metric for command dispatching errors into monitoring. For doing so, it is possible to provide own handlers for success and error command outcome. For this purpose, please provide a Spring Bean implementing the CommandSuccessHandlerand CommandErrorHandler accordingly.

Here is an example, how such a handler may look like:

fun taskCommandErrorHandler(): CommandErrorHandler = object : LoggingTaskCommandErrorHandler(logger) {
    override fun apply(commandMessage: Any, commandResultMessage: CommandResultMessage<out Any?>) { { "<--------- CUSTOM ERROR HANDLER REPORT --------->" }
      super.apply(commandMessage, commandResultMessage) { "<------------------- END ----------------------->" }

Message codes#

Please note that the logger root hierarchy is io.holunda.camunda.taskpool.sender

Message Code Severity Logger* Description Meaning
SENDER-001 DEBUG .gateway Sending command over gateway disabled by property. Would have sent command payload. Sending of any commands is disabled.
SENDER-002 DEBUG .gateway Successfully submitted command payload. Logging the successfully sent command.
SENDER-003 ERROR .gateway Sending command $commandMessage resulted in error Error sending command.
SENDER-004 DEBUG .task Process task sending is disabled by property. Would have sent $command.
SENDER-005 DEBUG .task Handling ${taskCommands.size} commands for task $taskId using command accumulator $accumulatorName
SENDER-006 DEBUG .task Handling ${taskCommands.size} commands for task $taskId using command accumulator $accumulatorName
SENDER-007 DEBUG .process.definition Process definition sending is disabled by property. Would have sent $command.
SENDER-007 DEBUG .process.instance Process instance sending is disabled by property. Would have sent $command.
SENDER-009 DEBUG .process.variable Process variable sending is disabled by property. Would have sent $command.
SENDER-011 INFO Taskpool task commands will be distributed over command bus.
SENDER-012 INFO Taskpool task command distribution is disabled by property.
SENDER-013 INFO Taskpool process definition commands will be distributed over command bus.
SENDER-014 INFO Taskpool process definition command distribution is disabled by property.
SENDER-015 INFO Taskpool process instance commands will be distributed over command bus.
SENDER-016 INFO Taskpool process instance command distribution is disabled by property.
SENDER-017 INFO Taskpool process variable commands will be distributed over command bus.
SENDER-018 INFO Taskpool process variable command distribution is disabled by property.

Last update: July 25, 2023