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Form URL Resolver


Building a central Task List and Business Data Entry List requires a UI integration logic between the use case agnostic central component and use case specific forms for display of the User Tasks and Business Data Entries. There exist multiple options to provide this UI integration, like dynamic loading of UI components from the distributed use case specific application and process engines or simple redirection to those applications being able to display the requested form. In many those implementations, the process platform components like Task List and Business Data Entry List need to resolve the particular URL of the process application endpoint. The form-url-resolver component is designed exactly for this purpose, if this resolution is static and can be performed based on configuration.


In order to use the form-url-resolver please add the following dependency to your project:


In your configuration, please add the following annotation to enable the resolver:

class MyTasklistConfiguration {


Using your application.yaml or corresponding properties file, please provide the configuration of the URLs. Te configuration is separated into provision of some defaults (for user tasks, data entries, processes or even entire applications) In general the resolution of the URL happens from most specific to most generic, see the example below. If the specific request matches the configuration (e.g. URL for the User Task with process definition task1 of the application with application name app1) it will be returned (${id}), otherwise the default for the application or even the default template is taken.

      defaultApplicationTemplate: "http://localhost:8080/${applicationName}"
      defaultDataEntryTemplate: "/${entryType}/${entryId}"
      defaultProcessTemplate: "/${processDefinitionKey}/${formKey}"
      defaultTaskTemplate:  "/forms/${formKey}/${id}"
      - app1:
        url: ""
        - task1: "/forms/task1/foo/${id}"
        - task2: "/bar/2/foo/${id}"
        - process1: "/proc-1/start"
        - process2: "/proc/2/begin"
      - app2:
        url: ""
        - otherTask1: "/views/task1/${id}"
        - otherTask2: "/other/2/foo/${id}"
As you can see in the example above, the component supports simple text templating using ${} to indicate the template variable. The variables which can be used are direct attributes of the object for which the URL is resolved (see View API). The keys in the configuration are:

  • Value of attribute applicationName for applications
  • Value of attribute processDefinitionKey for processes
  • Value of attribute taskDefinitionKey for tasks
  • Value of attribute entryType for data entries

Last update: July 25, 2023