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Bus Jackson


The component is a helper component if you configure your Axon busses (command, event, query) to use Jackson for serialization of messages. It provides helper Jackson Modules to configure serialization of classes used by Polyflow.

Configuration and Usage#

To use the component, please add the following dependency to your classpath


Inside your Object Mapper configuration call

import io.holunda.polyflow.bus.jackson.configureTaskpoolJacksonObjectMapper

class MyConfiguration {
  fun payloadObjectMapper(): ObjectMapper {
    return ObjectMapper().configureTaskpoolJacksonObjectMapper()

If you are not using Jackson for serialization of Axon messages (commands, events and queries) you are ready to go.

If you want to use Jackson as Axon message serialization message format the following configuration is required. In your application properties, set-up the following properties:

    events: jackson
    messages: jackson
    general: jackson 

In addition, define configure the ObjectMapper to be used by Axon Framework:

import io.holunda.polyflow.bus.jackson.configureTaskpoolJacksonObjectMapper

class MyConfiguration {

  fun defaultAxonObjectMapper(): ObjectMapper {
    return ObjectMapper().configureTaskpoolJacksonObjectMapper()

Last update: July 25, 2023