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Mongo DB View Configuration

The use of Mongo database or a Cosmos DB in Mongo mode as a persistence for the read projection of task-pool and data-pool may require some additional configuration, depending on your scenario.


We strongly recommend to use a clustered Mongo DB or Cosmos DB installation for persistence to avoid data loss.

Configuration properties#

The configuration of View Mongo is performed via application properties of the component, that includes the polyflow-view-mongo. All configuration properties have the prefix polyflow.view.mongo. Here is the example with all properties:

          after: PT1H
          buffer-size: 100000
          job-schedule: '@daily'
          job-jitter: PT1H
          job-timezone: UTC
          mode: SCHEDULED_JOB          
          after: PT1H
          buffer-size: 100000
          job-schedule: '@daily'
          job-jitter: PT1H
          job-timezone: UTC
          mode: SCHEDULED_JOB

      change-tracking-mode: CHANGE_STREAM
        token-store: false
Property (prefixed by polyflow.view.mongo) Description Value Default Example
change-stream.clear-deleted-tasks.after How long should we keep deleted tasks around before clearing them Duration Duration.ZERO PT1H
change-stream.clear-deleted-tasks.buffer-size While the change tracker waits for tasks that have been marked deleted to become due for clearing, it needs to buffer them. This property defines the buffer capacity. If more than [bufferSize] tasks are deleted within the time window defined by [after], the buffer will overflow and the latest task(s) will be dropped. These task(s) will not be automatically cleared in CHANGE_STREAM_SUBSCRIPTION [mode]. In BOTH [mode], the scheduled job will pick them up and clear them eventually. Only relevant if [mode] is CHANGE_STREAM_SUBSCRIPTION or BOTH. Long 10000 200
change-stream.clear-deleted-tasks.job-schedule Cron expression to configure how often the job run that clears deleted tasks should run. Only relevant if [mode] is SCHEDULED_JOB or BOTH. Cron expression @daily @hourly
change-stream.clear-deleted-tasks.job-jitter The cleanup job execution time will randomly be delayed after what is determined by the cron expression by [0..this duration]. Duration PT5M PT3M
change-stream.clear-deleted-tasks.timezone Time zone to use for resolving the cron expression. Default: UTC. Timezone UTC CET
change-stream.clear-deleted-tasks.mode How exactly should we clear deleted tasks. see below see below see below
change-stream.clear-deleted-data-entries.after How long should we keep deleted data entries around before clearing them Duration Duration.ZERO PT1H
change-stream.clear-deleted-data-entries.buffer-size While the change tracker waits for data entries that have been marked deleted to become due for clearing, it needs to buffer them. This property defines the buffer capacity. If more than [bufferSize] data entries are deleted within the time window defined by [after], the buffer will overflow and the latest data entries(s) will be dropped. These data entries(s) will not be automatically cleared in CHANGE_STREAM_SUBSCRIPTION [mode]. In BOTH [mode], the scheduled job will pick them up and clear them eventually. Only relevant if [mode] is CHANGE_STREAM_SUBSCRIPTION or BOTH. Long 10000 200
change-stream.clear-deleted-data-entries.job-schedule Cron expression to configure how often the job run that clears deleted data entries should run. Only relevant if [mode] is SCHEDULED_JOB or BOTH. Cron expression @daily @hourly
change-stream.clear-deleted-data-entries.job-jitter The cleanup job execution time will randomly be delayed after what is determined by the cron expression by [0..this duration]. Duration PT5M PT3M
change-stream.clear-deleted-data-entries.timezone Time zone to use for resolving the cron expression. Default: UTC. Timezone UTC CET
change-stream.clear-deleted-data-entries.mode How exactly should we clear deleted data entries. see below see below see below
change-tracking-mode Mode to use for event tracking. see below see below see below
indexes.token-store Controls the index of the token store. Boolean true false

Change Tracking Mode#

The events delivering updates on view artifacts are received by the projection and cause updates in Mongo DB projections. If you are interested in delivering reactive updates (e.g. Server push, SSE, Websocket), you can control what is the trigger for the update modification. The reason for this is that Mongo DB itself is eventually consistent in replica set and the update operation will eventually be written to all nodes. If you are reading the documents by the component triggered by the reactive update, you might end up in a race condition.

Set the mode for event tracking by selecting from one of the following values:

Value Description
EVENT_HANDLER Use Axon query bus and update subscriptions after the event has been processed.
CHANGE_STREAM Use Mongo DB change stream.
NONE Disable reactive updates.

Clear deleted tasks#

Removal of elements from collection is a costly operation in distributed Mongo DB cluster. For this purpose, if the user task gets deleted, it is marked by a deleted flag and immediately excluded from the selection. A later job is responsible for real wiping it out from the collection. The deletion mode controls how this operation is performed. Set the mode for task deletion by selecting from one of the following values:

Value Description
CHANGE_STREAM_SUBSCRIPTION Subscribe to the change stream and clear any tasks that are marked deleted after the duration configured in after property.
SCHEDULED_JOB Run a scheduled job to clear any tasks that are marked as deleted if the deletion timestamp is at least after property in the past. The job is run according to the cron expression defined in job-schedule property.
NONE The application is taking care of clearing deleted tasks, e.g. by implementing its own scheduled job or using a partial TTL index.

Last update: July 25, 2023