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View API



If you are looking for a convenient way to send out queries (API for callers), please check the View API Client

The Polyflow View API defines the interfaces for the implementers of the task-pool and the data-pool query API. It defines the main query types of the common read-projections. Its main purpose is to create a public stable API which is independent of the implementations. There are multiple implementations available:

In addition, the API supplies filtering functionality for handling requests of filtering of view results in form of attribute filters ( like attribute=value&attrubute2=value2& Especially, it defines the main concepts like Criteria and Operator and generic query paging and sorting.

Feature support matrix#

Task API#

The Task API allows to query for tasks handled by the task-pool.

Query Type Description Payload types In-Memory JPA Mongo DB
AllTasksQuery Retrieves a list of tasks applying additional filters List yes yes no
TasksForUserQuery Retrieves a list of tasks accessible by the user and applying additional filters List yes yes yes
TasksForGroupQuery Retrieves a list of tasks accessible by the user's group and applying additional filters List yes yes no
TasksForCandidateUserAndGroupQuery Retrieves a list of tasks accessible by the user because listed as candidate and the user's group and applying additional filters List yes yes no
TaskForIdQuery Retrieves a task by id (without any other filters) Task or null yes yes yes
TasksForApplicationQuery Retrieves all tasks by given application name (without any further filters) List yes yes yes
AllTasksWithDataEntriesQuery Retrieves a list of tasks applying additional filters and correlates result with data entries, if available List<(Task, List) yes incubation no
TasksWithDataEntriesForGroupQuery Retrieves a list of tasks accessible by the user's group and applying additional filters and correlates result with data entries, if available List<(Task, List) yes incubation no
TasksWithDataEntriesForUserQuery Retrieves a list of tasks accessible by the user and applying additional filters and correlates result with data entries, if available List<(Task, List) yes incubation yes
TaskWithDataEntriesForIdQuery Retrieves a task by id and correlates result with data entries, if available (Task, List) or null yes yes yes
TaskCountByApplicationQuery Counts tasks grouped by application names, useful for monitoring List<(ApplicationName, Count)> yes no yes

Process Definition API#

The Process Definition API allows to query for process definitions handled by the task-pool.

Query Type Description Payload types In-Memory JPA Mongo DB
ProcessDefinitionsStartableByUserQuery Retrieves a list of process definitions start-able by user List yes yes yes

Process Instance API#

The Process Instance API allows to query for process instances handled by the task-pool.

Query Type Description Payload types In-Memory JPA Mongo DB
ProcessInstancesByStateQuery Retrieves a list of process instances by state (started, finished, etc) List yes yes no

Process Variable API (incubation)#

The Process Variable API allows to query for process variables handled by the task-pool.


The Process Variable API is supporting revision-aware queries, which are currently only supported by JPA and In-Memory implementations.

Query Type Description Payload types In-Memory JPA Mongo DB
ProcessVariablesForInstanceQuery Retrieves a list of process variables for given process instance and matching provided filters List yes no no

Data Entry API#

The Data Entry API allows to query for data entries handled by the data-pool.


The Data Entry API supports revision-aware queries by JPA and In-Memory implementations ONLY.

Query Type Description Payload types In-Memory JPA Mongo DB
DataEntriesForUserQuery Retrieves a list of data entries accessible by the user with some additional filters. List yes yes yes
DataEntryForIdentityQuery Retrieves a single data entry by type and an id DataEntry yes yes yes
DataEntryForDataEntryTypeQuery Retrieves a list of data entries by type List yes yes yes
DataEntriesQuery Retrieves a list of data entries matching filters List yes yes yes

Revision-aware query support#

Projections can be built in a way, that they support and store event revision information transported by the event metadata. By doing so, you might send an update of the model by specifying the update revision and are waiting for the eventually consistent event delivery to the projection of this update. In order to achieve this, you might specify the minimum revision the query result must fulfill in order to match your query request. See axon-gateway-extension for more details. Please note, that not all implementations are implementing this feature. Especially, Mongo DB View is currently NOT SUPPORTING Revision Aware queries.

Filtering, Paging and Sorting#

Task API and Data Entries API supports filtering, paging and sorting in queries resulting in multiple results. For Task API these are AllTasksQuery, TasksForGroupQuery, TasksForUserQuery, TasksForCandidateUserAndGroupQuery, AllTasksWithDataEntriesQuery, TasksWithDataEntriesForGroupQuery, TasksWithDataEntriesForUserQuery and for Data Entries API these are DataEntriesForUserQuery and DataEntriesQuery. The queries implement the PageableSortableQuery interface, allowing to limit the amount of results and provide an optional sorting:

interface PageableSortableQuery {
  val page: Int
  val size: Int
  val sort: String?
The page parameter denotes the page number to deliver (starting with 0). The size parameter denotes the number of elements on a page. By default, the page is set to 0 and the size is set to Int.MAX.

An optional sort parameter allows to sort the results by a field attribute. The format of the sort string is <+|->fieldName, +fieldName means sort by fieldName ascending, -fieldName means sort by fieldName descending. The field must be a direct member of the result (Task for queries on Task and TaskWithDataEntries or DataEntry) and must be one of the following type:

  • java.lang.Integer
  • java.lang.String
  • java.util.Date
  • java.time.Instant

To filter the results, you can supply a list of filters. A filter is an expression in format fieldName<op>value, where fieldName is addressing the attribute of the search result, <op> is one of <, =, % and > and value is a string representation of the values. The fieldName can point to an attribute of the result entity itself (Task, TaskWithDataEntries or DataEntry) or point to the attribute inside the payload. To avoid name clashes, you must prefix the field name with task if you want to filter on direct attributes of a task, and you must prefix the field name with data if you want to filter on direct attributes of a data entry. For example, task.priority=50 would deliver tasks with priority set to 50, and data.entryType=info.polyflow.Order will deliver data entries of type info.polyflow.Order only.

Following operations are supported:

Filter Operation In-Memory JPA (Task Attributes) JPA (Data Entries Attributes) Mongo DB (Task Attributes) Mongo DB (Data Entries Attributes)
< Less than all, payload followUpDate, dueDate none all, payload all, payload
> Greater than all, payload followUpDate, dueDate none all, payload all, payload
= Equals all, payload payload, businessKey, followUpDate, dueDate, priority entryId, entryType, type, payload, processingState, userStatus all, payload all, payload
% Like all, payload businessKey, name, description, processName, textSearch none none none


There are several special reserved filters which can be passed to the task query: task.processName=<value> checks equality of the process name, task.processName%<value> makes a like-search on process name, task.textSearch%some-substring makes a special OR-combined like-search on task name, task description and task process name.

If the field name does not have one of the above prefixes, it is considered as an attribute inside the payload of data entry or enriched variables of a user task. For example, imagine you have a data entry with payload attributes { "attribute": "value", "another": 45 }. In order to search for those, just specify attribute=value in your filter criteria.

Filters are composed with logical AND, meaning that all given filters have to match in order for a task to be included in the result of the query. For example, given the filters task.priority=50 and foo=bar, the query result would only contain tasks that have a priority of 50 and a payload attribute named foo with the value bar.


The JPA View has a different implementation when applying filters. Filters that target the same attribute are OR-composed before being AND-composed with filters that target other attributes. For example, given the filters customerName=ABC, customerName=DEF and task.priority=50, the filters for the customer name would first get OR-composed before being AND-composed with the task priority filter, resulting in a filtering expression logically equivalent to (customerName=ABC OR customerName=DEF) AND task.priority=50.

Last update: July 25, 2023