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View API Client


The Polyflow View API Client is a client for the users of the task-pool and the data-pool query API. It provides simple components which can be used in order to query the configured views. By doing so, it defines an easy-to-use API for callers.


Please put the following component to you class path:


The components available are:

  • io.holunda.polyflow.view.DataEntryQueryClient
  • io.holunda.polyflow.view.ProcessDefinitionQueryClient
  • io.holunda.polyflow.view.ProcessInstanceQueryClient
  • io.holunda.polyflow.view.ProcessVariableQueryClient
  • io.holunda.polyflow.view.TaskQueryClient

To initialize the client, you need to pass the queryGateway to it:

fun myTaskClient(queryGateway: QueryGateway) = TaskQueryClient(queryGateway)

If you are using Kotlin, you might like the extension functions of the QueryGateway provided by io.holunda.polyflow.view.QueryGatewayExt object.

Last update: July 25, 2023