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Datapool Aggregate Tuning

Core Datapool Aggregate Tuning#

Data pool is implemented using DDD Aggregate pattern following the CQRS/ES style. By doing so, the event sourced aggregate replays all events to restore its state. In case of Data Entry the aggregate is currently not storing any state, required for command validation, so it is possible to optimize the loading process. For this purpose the following options are provided.

Configuration properties#

Property (prefixed by Description Value Example
snapshot-threshold Threshold of events to create a snapshot of the dat entry aggregate Long 5
event-sourcing-repository-type The full-qualified class name of the repository. org.axonframework.eventsourcing.EventSourcingRepository or io.holunda.polyflow.datapool.core.repository.FirstEventOnlyEventSourcingRepository String
deletion-strategy Controls how the deletion of data entries is handled. Valid values are lax (default) and strict. See deletion strategy section below. String strict

Event Souring Repository#

By default, the EventSourcingRepository for every Aggregate is provided by Axon Framework. This repository is supporting loading from snapshots and will load tha last snapshot and all events occurred after the snapshot. Alternatively, you can set the repository to io.holunda.polyflow.datapool.core.repository.FirstEventOnlyEventSourcingRepository. This repository loads the first event only to restore the state. This special repository is using the first event and saves space by not creating any snapshots.

Deletion strategy#

The data entries can be marked as deleted. If set to strict, no updates can be sent to this data entry, otherwise the update will undelete (re-create) the data entry.

Last update: July 25, 2023